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// C++ .cc file for gplot, CGM-specific I/O and parsing -*-c++-*-
// copyright Phil Andrews, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, 1992
// all rights reserved
#ifdef macintosh
# include <errors.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <values.h>
#include "cgm.h"
#include "cgmio.h"
#ifndef _toupper
#define _toupper(c) ((c) -'a'+'A')
// error call
extern void myError(const char *inMsg, const char *inMsg2=NULL,
int severity=1);
#ifdef macintosh
#pragma segment CIO1
// inititalization needed for some compilers
int cgmInput::beginPictureIndex = 0;
int cgmInput::endMetafileIndex = 0;
// basic cgm input
const int cgmInput::noErrors = 1;
const int cgmInput::noSep = 1<<1;
const int cgmInput::skipParen = 1<<2;
//initialize constants
void cgmInput::initialize()
// do we need to initialize the name array ?
if (!cgmNameArray) initNameArray();
// initialize other pointers
vdcTypeCmd = NULL;
intPrecCmd = NULL;
realPrecCmd = NULL;
indexPrecCmd = NULL;
defColrPrec.maxInt = 255;
defColrPrec.noBytes = 1;
defColrIndexPrec.maxInt = 255;
defColrIndexPrec.noBytes = 1;
colrPrecCmd = NULL;
colrIndexPrecCmd = NULL;
vdcIntPrecCmd = NULL;
defVdcIntPrecCmd = NULL;
vdcRealPrecCmd = NULL;
defVdcRealPrecCmd = NULL;
inputError = 0;
// index the metafile
void cgmInput::makeIndex(cgmMetafile *inMF)
if (!inMF->firstPic) return; // no pictures
cgmBeginPicture *myBeginPic;
cgmPicture *lastPic, *currPic = NULL;
// mark our spot
filePos savePos = pos();
// go to the beginning
lastPic = inMF->firstPic;
// find all of the begin picture commands (already have at least first one)
int noPics = 0;
while (getCmd() && !sameCmd(cgmNameArray[endMetafileIndex])) {
if (sameCmd(cgmNameArray[beginPictureIndex])) { // begin picture
if (noPics) { // at second one, at least
myBeginPic = new cgmBeginPicture(inMF, this);
if (!currPic) lastPic->next =
new cgmPicture(inMF, this, myBeginPic, lastPic);
lastPic = lastPic->next;
currPic = lastPic->next;
} // begin picture
} // got a command
// go back to where we began
// get a direct colour (R,G,B)
void cgmInput::getDColr(dColr &inColr)
// for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) inColr[i] = getCD();
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) inColr.setValue(i, getCD());
// get a general colour
genColr *cgmInput::getColr(int mode, const colrValueExtent *inExtent,
const colrTable *inTable)
if (mode) { // r, g, b mode
int red = getCD();
int green = getCD();
int blue = getCD();
return new genColr(red, green, blue, inExtent, inTable);
} else return new genColr(getCI(), inExtent, inTable); // indexed
// get a single vdc measure
vdc *cgmInput::getVdc()
if (myVdcType()) { // real VDC
return new vdc(getVRP());
} else { // integer VDC
return new vdc(getVIP());
// get a set of vdc points
vdcPts *cgmInput::getVdcPts(int inNoPts)
int maxPts = inNoPts ? inNoPts : getNoPts(); // how many would we like
int ptsGot = 0;
if (myVdcType()) { // real VDC
float *floatPtr = new float[maxPts * 2]; // real vdc
while ((ptsGot < maxPts) && getPt(floatPtr + 2 * ptsGot)) ++ptsGot;
return new vdcPts(floatPtr, ptsGot);
} else { // integer VDC
int *intPtr = new int[maxPts * 2]; // integer vdc
while ((ptsGot < maxPts) && getPt(intPtr + 2 * ptsGot)) ++ptsGot;
return new vdcPts(intPtr, ptsGot);
// get a polygon set
void cgmInput::polygonSet(vdcPts* &outPts, int* &outFlags)
int maxPts = polygonSetSize(), ptsGot = 0;
outFlags = new int[maxPts];
if (myVdcType()) { // real VDC
float *floatPtr = new float[maxPts * 2]; // real vdc
while ((ptsGot < maxPts) && getPt(floatPtr + 2 * ptsGot)) {
outFlags[ptsGot] = getType(cgmPolygonSet::typeList,
outPts = new vdcPts(floatPtr, ptsGot);
} else { // integer VDC
int *intPtr = new int[maxPts * 2]; // integer vdc
while ((ptsGot < maxPts) && getPt(intPtr + 2 * ptsGot)) {
outFlags[ptsGot] = getType(cgmPolygonSet::typeList,
outPts = new vdcPts(intPtr, ptsGot);
// get a colour table
colrTable *cgmInput::getColrTable(const colrValueExtent *inExtent)
int startIndex = getCI();
int noEntries = getNoDColrs();
dColr tmpDColr; // temporary
colrTable *newTable = new colrTable(noEntries, inExtent, startIndex);
for (int i=0; i<noEntries; ++i) {
return newTable;
// clear text input
// the constant values for the clear info class
const char clearInfo::termChar = ';'; // terminating character
const char clearInfo::termChar1 = '/';
const char clearInfo::quoteChar = '\"'; // quotation character
const char clearInfo::quoteChar1 = '\'';
const char clearInfo::sepChar = ' '; // separation character
const char clearInfo::sepChar1 = '\011';
const char clearInfo::sepChar2 = '\012';
const char clearInfo::sepChar3 = '\013';
const char clearInfo::sepChar4 = '\014';
const char clearInfo::sepChar5 = '\015';
const char clearInfo::sepChar6 = ',';
const char clearInfo::nullChar = '_'; // null character (ignored inside tokens)
const char clearInfo::nullChar1 = '$';
const char clearInfo::commentChar = '%'; // comment character
// the clear input class
// get one clear text command into memory
#if __MSDOS__
HugePt clearInput::getCmd()
unsigned char *clearInput::getCmd()
// state of parsing
enum {normalS, quoting, spacing, commenting} myState = normalS;
int done = 0; // have we finished ?
int endFile = 0; // ran out of input
char c; // latest character
char lastQuote = 0; // last quotation character used
myLastPos = pos(); // mark our spot
bIndex = 0; // initialize buffer index
// now loop until done and still have input
#ifdef macintosh
long char_count = 1;
while (!done && !(endFile = (FSRead(frefHand,&char_count, &c) == eofErr))) {
#elif __MSDOS__
while ( !done && !(endFile = eof(frefHand))) {
read(frefHand, &c,1);
while (!done && !(endFile = ((c = getc(filePtr)) == EOF))) {
switch (myState) {
case commenting: // in the middle of a comment
if (isComment(c)) myState = normalS; // end of comment
break; // else ignore input for now
case quoting: // in the middle of a quote
if (c == lastQuote) myState = normalS; // end of quote
buffer[bIndex++] = c; // in any case take input
case spacing: // getting spaces
if (isSep(c)) break; // no input
else myState = normalS; // fall thru to normalS state to process c
case normalS: // normalS input mode
if (isQuote(c)) { // begin quoting
myState = quoting;
lastQuote = c;
} else if (isComment(c)) { // begin a comment
myState = commenting;
break; // no input
} else if (isTerm(c)) { // finished this command
done = 1;
} else if (isSep(c)) { // a separator
myState = spacing;
if (bIndex) { // had some real input already
c = sepChar; // standard separator character
} else break; // no leading spaces
} else if (isNull(c)) { // null character, ignore
} else if (iscntrl(c)) { // control character, ignore
else if (islower(c)) { // lower case
c = _toupper(c); // map to upper case for convenience
buffer[bIndex++] = c; // acceptable input
} // end of switch statement
if (bIndex >= bufferSize) { // need more memory
if (!doubleBuffer(bIndex)) {
myError("couldn't double buffer size", "aborting", 0);
return NULL;
} // end of while statement
if (endFile) return NULL; // no more input, will terminate
if (!done) { // incomplete command
bIndex = 0; // ignore this command, but continue processing
// normal finish
buffer[bIndex] = 0; // terminate string
return buffer; // return the parsed string
// match the incoming command name to the beginning of the buffer
int clearInput::same(const char *inCmd)
static const int caseDiff = 'A' - 'a';
int foundMatch;
for (int i=0; (i<bIndex) && inCmd[i]; ++i) {
if (buffer[i] == inCmd[i]) continue;
if ((((int)buffer[i] - inCmd[i]) == caseDiff) &&
(islower(inCmd[i]))) continue;
if (((inCmd[i] - (int) buffer[i]) == caseDiff) &&
(isupper(inCmd[i]))) continue;
return 0; // no match
// match if got to end of inCmd, nothing useful left in buffer
foundMatch = (!inCmd[i]) && !isalnum(buffer[i]);
if (foundMatch) { // skip over the command name
aIndex = i;
return foundMatch;
// figure out how many points we have coming
// somewhat simple minded, but should give an upper bound
int clearInput::getNoPts()
int noVDC = 0; long tIndex = aIndex;
enum {between, inNumber} myState = between;
while ((tIndex < bIndex) && (!isTerm(buffer[tIndex]))) { // loop thru input
if (isSep(buffer[tIndex]) || (buffer[tIndex] == '(')
|| (buffer[tIndex] == ')')) { // not in a number
myState = between; // mark state
} else if (myState == between) { // entering a number
myState = inNumber;
} // end of input
return (noVDC + 1) / 2;
// figure out how many points in a polygon set
int clearInput::polygonSetSize()
return (getNoTokens() + 2) / 3;
// figure out how many tokens we have coming
int clearInput::getNoTokens()
int noTokens = 0; long tIndex = aIndex;
enum {between, inToken} myState = between;
while ((tIndex < bIndex) && (!isTerm(buffer[tIndex]))) {
if (isSep(buffer[tIndex])) {
if (myState == inToken) {
myState = between;
} else if (myState == between) {
myState = inToken;
return noTokens;
// get an integer point
int clearInput::getPt(int *outArray)
int useParen;
while ((aIndex < bIndex) && isSep(buffer[aIndex])) ++aIndex; // skip seps
if ((useParen = (buffer[aIndex] == '('))) ++aIndex; // using parentheses
outArray[0] = getInt(); // x
outArray[1] = getInt(); // y
while ((aIndex < bIndex) && isSep(buffer[aIndex])) ++aIndex; // skip seps
if (useParen && (buffer[aIndex] == ')')) ++aIndex; // matching parenthesis
return inputError ? (inputError = 0), 0 : 1;
// get a real point
int clearInput::getPt(float *outArray)
int useParen;
while ((aIndex < bIndex) && isSep(buffer[aIndex])) ++aIndex; // skip seps
if ((useParen = (buffer[aIndex] == '('))) ++aIndex; // using parentheses
outArray[0] = getVRP(); // x
outArray[1] = getVRP(); // y
while ((aIndex < bIndex) && isSep(buffer[aIndex])) ++aIndex; // skip seps
if (useParen && (buffer[aIndex] == ')')) ++aIndex; // matching parenthesis
return inputError ? (inputError = 0), 0 : 1;
// grab a string from the input, make memory for it and return a pointer
char *clearInput::getString(int &outSize)
char lastQuote, *newPtr;
int stringSize;
// skip over separators
while (isSep(buffer[aIndex]) && (aIndex < bIndex)) ++aIndex;
if (aIndex >= bIndex) {
myError("couldn't find string");
outSize = 0;
return NULL;
if (!isQuote(buffer[aIndex])) {
myError("couldn't find quotation mark");
outSize = 0;
return NULL;
lastQuote = buffer[aIndex++];
for (stringSize = 0; ((aIndex + stringSize) < bIndex) &&
(lastQuote != buffer[aIndex + stringSize]); ++stringSize);
if (lastQuote != buffer[aIndex + stringSize]) {
myError("couldn't find end of quote");
outSize = 0;
return NULL;
newPtr = new char[stringSize + 1];
for (int i=0; i < stringSize; ++i) newPtr[i] = buffer[aIndex + i];
newPtr[i] = 0;
aIndex += stringSize + 1; // 1 for the closing quote
outSize = stringSize;
return newPtr;
// basic cgm output
// polygon set
int cgmOutput::polygonSet(const vdcPts *inPts, const int *inFlags)
if (!inPts || !inFlags) {
myError("no input for cgmOutput::polygonSet");
return 1;
vdc *myVdc;
for (int i=0; i<inPts->no(); ++i) {
myVdc = inPts->newVdc(2*i);
delete myVdc;
myVdc = inPts->newVdc(2*i + 1);
delete myVdc;
outType(cgmPolygonSet::typeList, inFlags[i]);
return 1;
// clear text output
int clearOutput::startCmd(baseCGM *inCGM) // start outputting the command
return outS(inCGM->cgmName());
int clearOutput::endCmd() // end the command
return outC(termChar) && endLine();
int clearOutput::outString(const char *inString) // output a CGM string
return outSep() && outC(quoteChar) && outS(inString) &&
// output one of a list of types
int clearOutput::outType(const char **inList, int inValue)
return outSep() && outS(inList[inValue]);
// input one of a list of types, assume both are in upper case
int clearInput::getType(const char **inList, int listSize)
// skip over separators
while (isSep(buffer[aIndex]) && (aIndex < bIndex)) ++aIndex;
if (aIndex >= bIndex) {
myError("couldn't find type");
return 0;
for (int i=0; i<listSize; ++i) {
for (int j=0; (aIndex < bIndex) && inList[i][j] &&
(inList[i][j] == buffer[aIndex + j]); ++j);
if (!inList[i][j] && !isalnum(buffer[aIndex + j])) { // found match
aIndex += j;
return i;
myError("couldn't match type ", (char *)buffer + aIndex);
return 0;
// get an integer precision
void clearInput::getIntPrec(intPrec *inPrec)
inPrec->minInt = getInt();
inPrec->maxInt = getInt();
inPrec->noBytes = 0;
// get an unsigned integer precision
void clearInput::getIntPrec(uIntPrec *inPrec)
inPrec->maxInt = getInt();
inPrec->noBytes = 0;
// get a real precision
void clearInput::getRealPrec(realPrec *inPrec)
inPrec->minReal = getReal();
inPrec->maxReal = getReal();
inPrec->noDigits = getInt();
inPrec->format = 0;
inPrec->expPart = 0;
inPrec->fractPart = 0;
// put an unsigned integer precision
int clearOutput::outIntPrec(uIntPrec *inPrec)
return 1;
// put an integer precision
int clearOutput::outIntPrec(intPrec *inPrec)
return 1;
// put a real precision
int clearOutput::outRealPrec(realPrec *inPrec)
return 1;
// get a real number
float clearInput::getReal()
const int noPowers = 21; // should be enough
static float powers[noPowers] = {1., 10., 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7,
1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14,
1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20};
int i;
float fractPart = 0;
int intPart = getInt(noErrors); // get the leading integer, may not exist
float ret;
if (buffer[aIndex] == '.') {
++aIndex; // skip the period
for (i=0; isdigit(buffer[aIndex + i]); ++i); // how many digits to come
// renormalize the fractional part
if (i && (fractPart = getLongDecimal())) { // have a non-zero fraction
if (i<noPowers) { // easy case
fractPart /= powers[i];
} else { // maybe on some machine of the future
for (; i; --i) fractPart /= 10.0; // must be real, ULTRIX C bug
ret = (intPart < 0) ? intPart - fractPart : intPart + fractPart;
// do we have an exponent ?
if (buffer[aIndex] == 'E') { // scaled number
int exponent = getInt();
if (exponent < 0) {
if (exponent < noPowers) ret /= powers[exponent];
else for (i=0; i>exponent; --i) ret /= 10.0;
} else if (exponent > 0) {
if (exponent < noPowers) ret *= powers[exponent];
else for (i=0; i<exponent; ++i) ret *= 10.0;
// all done
return ret;
// get a cell array
cellArray *clearInput::getCellArray(int inColMode,
const colrValueExtent *inExtent,
const colrTable *inTable)
const int noPrec = 6;
static const unsigned int precValues[noPrec] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24};
long i;
vdcPts *myPts = getVdcPts(3);
int nx = getInt();
int ny = getInt();
unsigned int localColrPrec = getE(); // local colour precision
if (!localColrPrec) localColrPrec = colrPrec().maxInt; // use default
// will encode in binary format, find the corresponding precision
for (i=0; (i<noPrec) && (localColrPrec > ((1<<precValues[i]) - 1)); ++i);
unsigned int binaryPrec = (i<noPrec) ? precValues[i] : 32; // 32 is the max
// create the cellarray
cellArray *myPtr = new cellArray(inColMode, inExtent, myPts, nx, ny,
binaryPrec, 1, inTable);
// now get the values
long noValues;
if (inColMode) { // direct colour mode
noValues = (long)3 * nx * ny;
for (i=0; i<noValues; ++i) myPtr->addValue(getInt(skipParen));
} else {
noValues = (long)nx * ny;
for (i=0; i<noValues; ++i) myPtr->addValue(getInt(skipParen));
return myPtr;
// output a cell array
int clearOutput::outCellArray(cellArray *inC)
int ret = 1;
ret = ret && outVdcPts(inC->corners()) && outInt(inC->nx())
&& outInt(inC->ny());
// get the binary precision
unsigned int binaryPrec = inC->prec();
// find the equivalent clear text precision and output it
if (binaryPrec > (8 * sizeof(unsigned int))) {
myError("unsigned int not big enough, tell Phil !");
unsigned int clearPrec = (unsigned int)
(((unsigned long) 1 << binaryPrec) - 1);
ret = ret && outInt(clearPrec);
// now the values
int noValues = inC->nx() * inC->ny(); // for indexed
if (inC->colMode()) noValues *= 3; // for direct
for (int i=0; i<noValues; ++i) ret = ret && outInt(inC->getValue(i));
return ret;
// put a direct colour (R,G,B)
int clearOutput::outDColr(dColr &inColr)
// return outInt(inColr[0]) && outInt(inColr[1]) && outInt(inColr[2]);
return outInt(inColr.getValue(0)) &&
outInt(inColr.getValue(1)) && outInt(inColr.getValue(2));
// output a general colour
int clearOutput::outColr(genColr *inColr)
int ret = 1;
if (inColr->type()) { // r, g, b format
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) ret = ret && outInt(inColr->i(i));
} else ret = outInt(inColr->i());
return ret;
// output a colour table
int clearOutput::outColrTable(colrTable *inTable)
int ret = 1;
for (int i=0; i<inTable->no(); ++i) ret = ret && outDColr(inTable->val(i));
return ret;
// output a set of defaults
int clearOutput::outDefaults(cgmDefaults *inDefaults)
int ret = 1;
endCmd(); // a completely separate command in this encoding
for (baseCGM *myPtr = inDefaults->contents(); myPtr; myPtr = myPtr->next) {
return ret;
// output a single vdc
int clearOutput::outVdc(const vdc *inVDC)
return (inVDC->type()) ? outReal(inVDC->f()) : outInt(inVDC->i());
// output a set of vdc points
int clearOutput::outVdcPts(const vdcPts *inPts)
int i;
if (inPts->type()) { // real
for (i = 0; (i<inPts->no()) && outReal(inPts->fx(i)) &&
outReal(inPts->fy(i)); ++i);
} else { // integer
for (i = 0; (i<inPts->no()) && outInt(inPts->ix(i)) &&
outInt(inPts->iy(i)); ++i);
return i >= inPts->no(); // all successful
// functions to read in a clear text integer
// get an integer from the input
int clearInput::getInt(int flag)
int isNeg = 0, firstInt;
// may skip over separators
if (flag & skipParen) { // skip over parentheses
while ((isSep(buffer[aIndex]) || (buffer[aIndex] == '(')
|| (buffer[aIndex] == ')')) && (aIndex < bIndex)) ++aIndex;
} else if (!(flag & noSep)) { // mustn't jump over separators
while (isSep(buffer[aIndex]) && (aIndex < bIndex)) ++aIndex;
if (aIndex >= bIndex) {
myError("couldn't find integer");
inputError = 1;
return 0;
// what's our first character ?
if (buffer[aIndex] == '-') {
isNeg = 1;
} else if (buffer[aIndex] == '+') ++aIndex;
else if (!isdigit(buffer[aIndex])) { // no digit ?, may be OK
if (!(flag & noErrors)) { // should get an integer
myError("no digits for getInt in", (char *)buffer);
myError("getInt read to", (char *)buffer + aIndex);
inputError = 1;
return 0; // return 0 in any case
// now guarranteed some digits
firstInt = getDecimal();
if (buffer[aIndex] == '#') { // do we have a base ?
if ((firstInt >= 2) && (firstInt <= 16)) {
return (isNeg) ? - getBased(firstInt) : getBased(firstInt);
} else {
myError("illegal base");
inputError = 1;
return 0;
} // bare integer
return (isNeg) ? - firstInt : firstInt;
// read a simple decimal integer, assume already lined up at first digit
int clearInput::getDecimal()
int i;
long ret = 0;
while (isdigit(buffer[aIndex])) { // should work anywhere
for (i=0; (digits[i] != buffer[aIndex]); ++i); // first matching digit
ret = 10 * ret + i;
return (int) ret;
// read a simple long decimal integer, assume already lined up at first digit
long clearInput::getLongDecimal()
int i;
long ret = 0;
while (isdigit(buffer[aIndex])) { // should work anywhere
for (i=0; (digits[i] != buffer[aIndex]); ++i); // first matching digit
ret = 10 * ret + i;
return ret;
// read a based integer
int clearInput::getBased(int inBase)
static char extDigits[] =
{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
static const int maxExtend = sizeof(extDigits) / sizeof(extDigits[0]);
int ret = 0, i;
// check that we have a legal base
if ((inBase < 2) || (inBase > maxExtend)) {
myError("illegal base");
return 0;
// check that we have a legit number
for (i=0; (i<inBase) && (extDigits[i] != buffer[aIndex]); ++i);
if (i>=inBase) {
myError("illegal based integer");
return 0;
while (1) {
for (i=0; (i<inBase) && (extDigits[i] != buffer[aIndex]); ++i);
if (i>=inBase) { // no more digits
return ret;
} else { // more to go ?
ret = inBase * ret + i;
// the binary input class
// destructor
binaryInput::~binaryInput() {} // keep Cray CC happy
// get one binary command into memory
#if __MSDOS__
HugePt binaryInput::getCmd()
unsigned char *binaryInput::getCmd()
int pLen, done, bytesNeeded;
// get the next 2 non-zero bytes (skip simple, 2-byte NULLS)
do {
if (!getOffBytes(2)) {
myError("couldn't get command header");
return NULL;
} while (!(buffer[0] || buffer[1]));
myLastPos = pos() - 2; // mark beginning of actual command
aIndex = bIndex = 2;
// get the parameter length
pLen = buffer[1] & 31;
if (pLen < 31) { // short form, buffer size is guaranteed larger
// next command must start on even boundary
bytesNeeded = (pLen % 2) ? pLen + 1 : pLen;
if (bytesNeeded && !getOffBytes(bytesNeeded, bIndex)) {
myError("couldn't get command");
return NULL;
} else {
bIndex += pLen;
return buffer;
// long form
do { // carry on until we get a terminating partition header
if (!getOffBytes(2, bIndex)) { // get the next 2 bytes
myError("couldn't get partition header");
return NULL;
pLen = ((buffer[bIndex] & 127) << 8) | buffer[bIndex + 1];
done = !(buffer[bIndex] & 128); // finished ?
// next command must start on even boundary
bytesNeeded = (done && ((bIndex + pLen) % 2)) ? pLen + 1 : pLen;
// may need more memory
while ((bytesNeeded + bIndex) > bufferSize) {
if (!doubleBuffer(bIndex)) return NULL;
} // get bytes, maybe overwriting partition header
if (bytesNeeded && !getOffBytes(bytesNeeded, bIndex)) {
myError("couldn't get partition");
return NULL;
bIndex += pLen;
} while (!done);
return buffer;
// grab a string from the input, make memory for it and return a pointer
char *binaryInput::getString(int &outSize)
char *newPtr = NULL;
int i, pLen, sIndex;
unsigned int stringSize = (aIndex < bIndex)? buffer[aIndex++] : 0; // first byte has initial length
if (stringSize < 255) { // simple string
newPtr = new char[stringSize + 1];
for (i=0; i < stringSize; ++i) newPtr[i] = buffer[aIndex + i];
newPtr[i] = 0;
aIndex += stringSize;
outSize = stringSize;
return newPtr;
// now have complex string, get size first
int done;
stringSize = 0; // start fresh
do {
done = !(buffer[aIndex + stringSize] & 128); // finished ?
stringSize += ((buffer[aIndex + stringSize] & 127) << 8)
| buffer[aIndex + stringSize + 1];
} while (!done);
// now make the memory
newPtr = new char[stringSize + 1];
// and fill it out
sIndex = 0;
do {
done = !(buffer[aIndex] & 128); // finished ?
pLen = ((buffer[aIndex] & 127) << 8) | buffer[aIndex + 1];
aIndex += 2;
for (i=0; i<pLen; ++i) newPtr[sIndex++] = buffer[aIndex++];
} while (!done);
if (sIndex != stringSize) myError("bad string");
newPtr[sIndex] = 0;
outSize = stringSize;
return newPtr;
// diagnostic
const char *binaryInput::cmdSignature()
static char myString[60];
sprintf(myString, "(%d, %d) = (%d, %d)", (int) buffer[0], (int) buffer[1],
bufferClass(), bufferElement());
return myString;
// general signed integer (assume long at least 4 bytes, may truncate)
int binaryInput::gInt(int noBytes)
long ret = (buffer[aIndex] & 128) ? (-1 ^ 255) | (int) buffer[aIndex++]
: buffer[aIndex++];
switch(noBytes) {
case 4:
ret = (ret<<8) | buffer[aIndex++]; // fallthru
case 3:
ret = (ret<<8) | buffer[aIndex++]; // fallthru
case 2:
ret = (ret<<8) | buffer[aIndex++]; // end
return (int) ret;
// general shifted signed integer
int binaryInput::gShiftInt(int noBytes, int bitsRead)
// for convenience/speed
static unsigned char bitMask[8] = {255, 127, 63, 31, 15, 7, 3, 1};
if ((bitsRead > 7) || (bitsRead < 0)) {
myError("illegal bitsRead");
return 0;
if (bitsRead == 0) return gInt(noBytes); // no shift
// span parts of noBytes + 1 bytes
// spans at least 2 bytes, get 'em one at a time
// first byte
// get the sign
long ret = ((buffer[aIndex] & (1 << (7 - bitsRead))) ? -1 : 0)
<< (7 - bitsRead);
// now the rest of the bits
ret = ret | (buffer[aIndex++] & bitMask[bitsRead]);
switch(noBytes) {
case 4:
ret = (ret<<8) | buffer[aIndex++]; // fallthru
case 3:
ret = (ret<<8) | buffer[aIndex++]; // fallthru
case 2:
ret = (ret<<8) | buffer[aIndex++]; // end
// last byte
ret = (ret << bitsRead) | (buffer[aIndex] >> (8 - bitsRead));
return ret;
// general unsigned integer
unsigned int binaryInput::gUInt(int noBytes)
unsigned long ret = buffer[aIndex++];
switch(noBytes) {
case 4:
ret = (ret<<8) | (buffer[aIndex++] & 255); // fallthru
case 3:
ret = (ret<<8) | (buffer[aIndex++] & 255); // fallthru
case 2:
ret = (ret<<8) | (buffer[aIndex++] & 255); // end
return (unsigned int) ret;
// figure out how many points we have coming
int binaryInput::getNoPts()
if (aIndex >= bIndex) {
myError("no Pts to get");
return 0;
// each vdc uses an even number of bytes, 2 vdc's per point (8/2 = 4)
if (myVdcType()) { // real vdc's
return ((bIndex - aIndex) * 4) /
(vdcRealPrec().expPart + vdcRealPrec().fractPart);
} else return (bIndex - aIndex) / (2 * vdcIntPrec().noBytes);
// figure out how many points we have in a polygon set
int binaryInput::polygonSetSize()
if (aIndex >= bIndex) {
myError("no polygon set Pts to get");
return 0;
// each vdc uses an even number of bytes, 2 vdc's per point (8/2 = 4)
// the enumerated flag takes 2 bytes
if (myVdcType()) { // real vdc's
return ((bIndex - aIndex) * 4) /
(vdcRealPrec().expPart + vdcRealPrec().fractPart + 8);
} else return (bIndex - aIndex) / (2 * vdcIntPrec().noBytes + 2);
// get one real vdc pt
int binaryInput::getPt(float *inF)
if (aIndex >= bIndex) return 0;
if (aIndex >= bIndex) return 0;
return (aIndex > bIndex) ? 0 : 1;
// get one integer vdc pt
int binaryInput::getPt(int *inI)
if (aIndex >= bIndex) return 0;
if (aIndex >= bIndex) return 0;
return (aIndex > bIndex) ? 0 : 1;
// general fixed point real
float binaryInput::gFX(realPrec &inPrec)
double expPart = gInt(inPrec.expPart/8);
double fractPart = gUInt(inPrec.fractPart/8);
float ret = expPart + fractPart / ((long) 1 << inPrec.fractPart);
return ret;
// general floating point real
float binaryInput::gFP(realPrec &inPrec)
static double p149 = 1, p23 = 1, p1074, p52;
double dfract;
unsigned int exponent;
unsigned long fract;
float ret;
int i;
if (p149 == 1) for (i=0; i<149; ++i) p149 *= 2.0; // initialize
if (p23 == 1) for (i=0; i<23; ++i) p23 *= 2.0; // initialize
if (p1074 == 1) for (i=0; i<1074; ++i) p1074 *= 2.0; // initialize
if (p52 == 1) for (i=0; i<p52; ++i) p52 *= 2.0; // initialize
int signBit = (buffer[aIndex] >> 7) & 1; // is this negative ?
// which precision is this ?
switch (inPrec.fractPart + inPrec.expPart) {
case 32: // 32 bit precision
// get the exponent
exponent = ((buffer[aIndex] & 127) << 1) + ((buffer[aIndex + 1] >> 7) & 1);
// get the fractional part
fract = ((unsigned long)(buffer[aIndex + 1] & 127) << 16) +
((unsigned long)buffer[aIndex + 2] << 8)
+ buffer[aIndex + 3];
// step forward the pointer before we forget
aIndex += 4;
// check for special cases
if (exponent == 255) {
if (fract == 0) { // big number
return (signBit) ? -MAXFLOAT : MAXFLOAT;
} else { // screwed up
myError("undefined IEEE number");
return 0;
} else if (exponent == 0) {
if (fract == 0) return 0;
else return (signBit) ? -fract / p149 : fract / p149; // fract / 2^149
} else { // normal number
ret = 1 + fract / p23;
if (exponent < 127) for (i=0; i<(127-exponent); ++i) ret /= 2.0;
else if (exponent > 127) for (i=0; i<(exponent-127); ++i) ret *= 2.0;
return (signBit) ? -ret : ret;
case 64: // 64 bit precision !!! not for PC
exponent = ((buffer[aIndex] & 127) << 4) + ((buffer[aIndex+1] >> 4) & 15);
// fractional [part might not fit in a long
dfract = buffer[aIndex + 1] & 15;
for (i=2; i<8; ++i) {
dfract *= 256.0;
dfract += buffer[aIndex + i];
// step forward the pointer before we forget
aIndex += 8;
if (exponent == 2047) {
if (fract == 0) { // big number
return (signBit) ? -MAXFLOAT : MAXFLOAT;
} else { // screwed up
myError("undefined IEEE number");
return 0;
} else if (exponent == 0) {
if (fract == 0) return 0;
else return (signBit) ? -fract / p1074 : fract /p1074; // fract / 2^1074
} else { // normal number
ret = 1 + dfract / p52;
if (exponent < 1023) {
for (i=0; i<(1023 - exponent); ++i) ret /= 2.0;
} else if (exponent > 1023) {
for (i=0; i<(exponent - 1023); ++i) ret *= 2.0;
return (signBit) ? -ret : ret;
} else return 0; // screwed up
return 0; // for safety
// get a real precision
void binaryInput::getRealPrec(realPrec *inPrec)
char myString[60];
int format = getE();
int expPart = getInt();
int fractPart = getInt();
// check for legality
if ((((fractPart + expPart) != 32) && ((fractPart + expPart) != 64)) ||
((format != 0) && (format != 1)) ||
((format == 0) && ((fractPart != 9) && (fractPart != 23))) ||
((format == 1) && ((fractPart != 16) && (fractPart != 32)))) {
sprintf(myString, "(%d, %d, %d)", format, expPart, fractPart);
myError("illegal binary real precision", myString);
inPrec->format = format;
inPrec->expPart = expPart;
inPrec->fractPart = fractPart;
inPrec->minReal = - 1 << expPart; // guess
inPrec->maxReal = 1 << expPart; // guess
// NCAR specific input
// initialization
void NCARInput::initialize()
if (!fillLocalBuffer()) myError("couldn't get first NCAR block");
// get some bytes
int NCARInput::getOffBytes(unsigned int noBytes, unsigned long offset)
for (int i=0; i<noBytes; ++i) {
while ((endIndex <= startIndex) && fillLocalBuffer()); // may need bytes
if (endIndex <= startIndex) {
myError("couldn't get NCAR data");
return 0;
} else buffer[offset + i] = localBuffer[startIndex++];
return 1;
// fill the local buffer
int NCARInput::fillLocalBuffer()
if (!getBytes(NCARSIZE, localBuffer)) {
myError("couldn't get NCAR block");
return 0;
startIndex = 4; // start of real data
endIndex = startIndex + ((localBuffer[0] << 8) | (localBuffer[1] & 255));
if (endIndex % 2) ++endIndex; // sometimes NCAR doesn't include pad byte
if (endIndex > NCARSIZE) {
char myString[20];
sprintf(myString, "%d bytes", endIndex - startIndex);
myError("too many bytes in NCAR header", myString);
return 0;
} else return 1;
// get a cell array
cellArray *binaryInput::getCellArray(int inColMode,
const colrValueExtent *inExtent,
const colrTable *inTable)
char myString[60];
long i;
vdcPts *myPts = getVdcPts(3);
int nx = getInt();
int ny = getInt();
unsigned int localColrPrec = getE(); // local colour precision
if (!localColrPrec) localColrPrec = colrPrec().noBytes * 8; // use default
// create the cellarray
cellArray *myPtr = new cellArray(inColMode, inExtent, myPts, nx, ny,
localColrPrec, 1, inTable);
// what mode is this ?
int repMode = getE();
// now get the values
int valSize = (inColMode) ? 3 : 1;
int valBits = valSize * localColrPrec;
int noValues = valSize * nx;
int rowSize = 2 * ((noValues * localColrPrec + 15) / 16); // padded
if (repMode) { // packed list
for (i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
if ((aIndex + rowSize) > bIndex) {
myError("not enough bytes for cell array");
// add a complete row
myPtr->addValues(&buffer[aIndex], 0, noValues);
aIndex += rowSize;
} else { // run length encoded
int runCount, valsGot, j, bitsGot;
for (i=0; i<ny; ++i) { // rows start on a 2-byte boundary
bitsGot = valsGot = 0;
while (valsGot < nx) {
runCount = getShiftInt(bitsGot); // increases aIndex
if (((runCount + valsGot) > nx) || (runCount < 0)) {
sprintf(myString, "%d, x = %d, nx = %d, y = %d, ny = %d",
runCount, valsGot, nx, i, ny);
myError("illegal runcount in cell array", myString);
return myPtr;
} // else OK, replicate value
for (j=0; j<runCount; ++j)
myPtr->addValues(&buffer[aIndex], bitsGot, valSize);
valsGot += runCount;
bitsGot += valBits;
if (bitsGot > 7) { // step forward the byte index
aIndex += bitsGot / 8;
bitsGot = bitsGot % 8;
if (aIndex > bIndex) {
myError("not enough bytes for run length encoding");
return myPtr;
if (bitsGot) ++aIndex; // start at a clean byte
if (aIndex % 2) ++aIndex; // pad at end of rows
return myPtr;
#ifdef macintosh
#pragma segment CIO2
// parsing initialization
// set the parser's pointer
cgmNameNew *cgmInput::cgmNameArray = NULL;
// add new classes to this array later so that the parser knows about them
// define an INITMACRO set up for runtime initialization
#define INITMACRO(inName) \
cgmNameArray[i].myName = &inName::myName;\
cgmNameArray[i].myClass = inName::myClass;\
cgmNameArray[i].myElement = inName::myElement;\
cgmNameArray[i].fp = inName::getNew; ++i;
// now fill out the structure, either at runtime
void cgmInput::initNameArray() {
// grab some memory
cgmNameArray = new cgmNameNew[cgmNoClasses];
if (!cgmNameArray) myError("couldn't create parsing array", "", 0);
int i = 0;
// delimiters
endMetafileIndex = i; // will need this later
beginPictureIndex = i; // will need this later
// metafile descriptors
// picture descriptors
// control elements
// graphical primitives
// attributes
// escape element
// externals
// binary output
int binaryOutput::startCmd(baseCGM *inCGM) // start outputting the command
return 1; // fix later
int binaryOutput::endCmd() // end the command
return 1; // fix later
int binaryOutput::outString(const char *inString) // output a CGM string
return 1; // fix later
// output one of a list of types
int binaryOutput::outType(const char **inList, int inValue)
return 1; // fix later